Caulfield of Granny’s Rose
Caulfield is a very sweet, cuddly and family-oriented dog who loves to romp through the woods, meadows and water. For him, there is no such thing as bad weather – he always wants to get out and play, be it with a ball or a Frisbee disc. But he can also occupy himself very well alone: Then he takes his cuddly toy or chew bone, twirls it through the air and plays with it for a long time.
Selina, daughter in the Stahl household says about her Caulfield:
„He likes it when we get cozy and I read to him. Then it’s cuddle time! And Caulie enjoys that very much! He loves it just as much when we pack treats for him and of course for me, something to drink, a book and a blanket and we walk to „our“ bench and I read to him there.
But he also knows exactly when someone in the family is not doing so well. Then he lays down with you, licks your face and cuddles.“
Caulie always wants to learn something new and understands commands very quickly. Shame on you, roll over and bang are just a small selection that he has already mastered. More are sure to follow. He is a calm and very compatible dog who loves to play with other dogs and likes children very much. Below are icons where you can find more information about Caulfield, including of course the contact details of the Stahl family.
Caulfield of Granny’s Rose is available for breeding exclusively in FCI kennels.